Possible security problem detected!

When I created my account I was in Brazil, but now that I’m in the United States I’m getting this error message when trying to log in in the control panel:

Possible security problem detected!

Your computer IP address ( is located in United States, but when you first registered for account here, your computer IP address was located in another country.

This is potential security problem, so login to XX@XX.com profile was locked. You can unlock by clicking on a special link, which will be sent to your email. This will also update your registration country, so this situation will not happen again. Click on ‘Email Update Link’ to continue.

Possible security problem detected!

Account country update link was sent to XX@XX.com email, you will receive it in 5 minutes.

If this email is incorrect - so we are sorry, there is nothing we can help you. You are responsible for providing correct information. You can register for a new account anyway.

But when clicking on the “email update link” I simply don’t get the e-mail from the server (even though the e-mail is correct and I already tried to do it again and already checked the spam mail), which makes me unable to use it all (control panel, ftp, etc…). What could I do? I really need to access it.

Thanks in advance,

Same problem but in Belgium/France… didn’t get any email.

‘you will receive it in 5 minutes.’ >> maybe i have to wait a bit more…

Have you guys submitted a support ticket

When i submit a ticket, I get this (and I can’t login for the moment):

‘Sorry, but it seems you have account with us.
Please login to members area, and submit new ticket.’

Do I have to use an other mail adress ?

Ok try sending:

I’m having problems logging. It gives my the security error. You have just sent me a message saying you can’t help me because I have an account, well I can’t log in to my account so please help me.

I’m not receiving the e-mails to confirm my address, why?


You could try that

I tried the support ticked already (not using the members area, since I can’t log in) but I got no help at all.

Posted by Customer, on December 8, 2008, 00:00:37
I’m currently a member of 000webhost, but I’m having some trouble logging in. When I created my account I was in Brazil, but now that I’m in the United States I’m not being able to log in into my account, because I get the following message:

"Possible security problem detected!

Your computer IP address ( is located in United States, but when you first registered for account here, your computer IP address was located in another country.

This is potential security problem, so login to XX@XX.com profile was locked. You can unlock by clicking on a special link, which will be sent to your email. This will also update your registration country, so this situation will not happen again. Click on ‘Email Update Link’ to continue. "

I clicked on the “email update link” but I’m not getting the e-mail so I can update my account. Can you guys help me solve this?

Thanks a lot!

P.S.: I’m using my alternative e-mail to send this cause it won’t let me use my regular email since it says I’m a member and should use the member control panel (which I can’t use cause I can’t log in).

Posted by Staff Member, on December 8, 2008, 05:44:58

I’m sorry, we can’t help you in this case

Thank you,

Posted by Customer, on December 8, 2008, 10:10:10
Can’t you force the server to send me the e-mail so I can update my account?

Posted by Staff Member, on December 8, 2008, 10:13:33

Please try once again to click on the “email update link”

Thank you,

Posted by Customer, on December 8, 2008, 10:36:25
I did that already but I get no response from the server.

Posted by Staff Member, on December 8, 2008, 10:45:34

It works fine, is there nothing we can help you.

Thank you,

Ok, it will be fixed soon. So just a wait a little

Ok, I’ll wait for that.

i’ve got the same problem to login.

When I register at 000webhost, I use OperaMini 4.1 on Nokia9300 that use IP address Norwegia or Santaclara (US) [i forget to detail] but I live in Indonesia.

so many times I try to “Update Email” in “Problem Detect” section. Until now, i don’t receive ANY email in my inbox or spams folder.

what can i do? I have been try like other above, but the answer is same.

Please help me…

NB:Sorry for Bad English :slight_smile:

Still no solution?

try this website

aPhpHelper - that will not work because it will use a different IP address again and the account will suspect some one trying to hack your account eventually

Ticket answer :frowning: :


I’m sorry, but there is nothing we can do in this case

Thank you,

I hope it will be fixed. Or maybe I can login if I go back in France (??) :smiley:

Wait the hour.

000webhosts needs to consider disabling this security feature it is well over the top.

I agree, I’m waiting for almost 3 days already and still nothing.

Ok guys, I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile:

Give me your email, I will check if email with link was sent there or not.
Anyway I do not see any problems with that, a lot ppl are updating country every day because they used proxy to register (which is not recommended at all)

I sent you my email in a private message. Thanks.