Problem uploading with FTP

I have changed from Hostinger to 000webhost. I have changed the servers to webhost. I get a message no index file but I can see an index file in my list. I do not know what to do and have tried using my own FTP Max. The website will not load.

Thank you for your reply,
I now have found the move link but there is now an error message.! What have I done wrong?upload%20problem2|690x343

Not sure, I can’t see the photo you’ve attached try

I resolved your site issue by moving all the files into the correct directory and all of your site was loading fine.

Thanks again for your help. Maybe now I have dissarranged the files as I come up with 20 now,

What happens when you load

Yeah so like I already moved the files to the correct location.

So your site should load fine no?


Have moved them to public_html but nothing seems to have changed, what must I do? Have I to use my FTP if so where do I find the files to upload? Sorry to be a bother but have not had this problem with Hostinger.

You’ve moved them into the complete wrong folder now, all the .HTML files must be in /public_html where I had moved them originally

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I’ve moved the files back and the site loads perfectly now.

Please upload anymore site files in the future into public_html

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Thanks again, I am now nervous but will think 3 times before doing it. Best regards Infinity.

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No worries any more issues don’t hesitate to get in touch here!

something still strange to me. If all the files are in public_html why is the website not visable on the internet? I think that screen snap that you have posted is the old version as the top left text has been altered to align the ‘‘Manor’’ alonside the ‘‘Mar’’. eg Mar Manor. If I could see the text underneath it is now in normal type not is scrolled type. Just checked your first screen shot and that is one of the latest but now the title text has been altered.
Before with all I did was open FTP and from my files on my PC uploaded straight foreward. I still do not understand this system. I have looked again in manager, It informed me the name would be and then I thouth it was uploading but online it is the old version.

Share a screenshot of what you see?

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That is not quite the latest version maybe I didnt do an update but its not on the internet. What must I do to post it.

If you’ve a new index.html then simply just upload index.html (the first page visitors see) to your public_html directory via FTP client and overwrite the existing index.html

Maybe my FTP settings are wrong, Hostname or IP: User name: colinfinch. Password that I use for 000webhost. Then Algemeines : public_html. storage local file: /storage/ssd3/864/7323864. IP port standard. Fitrewall None. Do these tie up.

Yeah that looks good from here.

Your password may not be the one used to login to with your email however it can be different.
Login to with email and password, navigate to General Settings and CHANGE WEBSITE PASSWORD, this is the FTP password.

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But I still cannot see how to upload to the servers from my FTP, I loaded to 000webhost through file manager I think. Here is a screnn clip from my FTP. I have just written that adress in the Lokalordner box but it will not connect to 000webhost public_html. There is something wrong says the info.