Problem with file transfer from 000webhost to hostinger

My website stopped working coz there was a low disk space issue. When I did the website redirect me to hostinger. When I completed my payment with hostinger they also asked me if I have a current website somewhere else I said. 000webhost. And I added my credentials in that.

Now I do not all the work I did on 000webhost. I was trying to contact hostinger customer service. they said they are working on transferring the files but I do not think they are doing anything. It has been more than 14 hours now.

I just want to know where can I get my files from 000webhost So I will add all manually in hostinger.

Do you see the live chat on Hostinger? As a paying customer you should I think…?

I do see that. but they are delaying my work. they were the first person I reached out to. It has been 14 hours. They are are saying that last migration stoppe. we will start the process again. By now they have done this 3 times.

I will have a quick check now then, apologies.

Silly question @Nidhi was your 000webhost just a blank WordPress installation or had you made changes?

I transferred all the data files for you about 8 hours ago and there is two databases on 000webhost, I managed to transfer one of them, but like I said above was it a blank installation or was there content added?
If there was content added it is likely stored in the database we can’t get access to at the moment, Hostinger staff will keep trying I’m sure as will I tomorrow/today :slight_smile:

Hey @Nidhi I finally got your database exported from 000webhost this morning and imported into Hostinger for you :slight_smile:

All seems good on my end let me know if there are any issues :smiley:

omg thank you so much.

I was having a issue with old database.
Thank you tons.
Sorry I doubted your service

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No problem, I think if it was a smooth transition you’d be more impressed with the service sadly the free service had some issues with the databases and FTP over the weekend so the data couldn’t be transferred.
But it is all resolved now apologies and I hope you enjoy your premium hosting :smiley:

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