Publish does not update my site EASY WEBSITE (Zyro)

Gracias Infinity.
Veo que estoy en la lista, pero no llego a entender que tengo que hacer y donde hacerlo.

Un saludo.

You just need to wait sorry :slight_smile:

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You can add CALAWEB to the list. But I would like to start resetting the website first if possible. I’m trying the “Reset Your Website” option, but it shows the message: “An internal error occurred. Our developers have already been notified.”

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Thanks for the help. I hope it would have a solution. Here’s the screenshots of site and the builder.

same problem. I did not know how to explain correctly

Hi My user is infotiendadecajas. I have made some changes in my web site (hide a menu item and modified some sourcecode). Changes are shown in the preview. I publish. It shows the “Completed” message, but I go to my real website but changes are not published.
I signed out and in and changes are not lost in zyro but I publish time after time and changes are not effected in the public site.

the next day, an error began to pop up in the site builder

Thanks a lot Infinity. I appreciate very very much your support.

Hello, i have also been trying to publish my new update on my website but it does not show the updated version. this is my website incase- - debskitchen.

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Can users try to publish their sites now, it may have been an issue simply with the storage that we were having, updates would not have been able to be pushed as there was nowhere to store them etc.

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Just tested by updating one user website with the published version, seems to have worked.

Worked just fine. Thank you very much for your support. :sunny:

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