Rate my new site

hello guys.i’ve been working on my personal website and now its running.
Please rate my site and tell me what you think.
The site url is

My opinion is that you can workout your layout.

Oh dear don’t take me wrong, But the website looks bad.
You must work a lot on the layout,the css and the designing. Everything looks messed up.
Amit Kumar.

alright thanx guys wil rework my design and css

Hmmm yours too…

Dear kuroneko,
Really!! do u think so?

Anyways m designing it all over again!!! This time I m taking care of the fact that the website looks gud on all platforms.

Thanks n Regards,

Its nothing on website [take a look](visit http://www.000webhost.com/forum/site-showcase/34141-review-my-new-websites.html)

it just appears…