Reactivate deleted website

Hello all!

I am really sorry if it is not the right place to do such request but I can’t find to do it elsewhere.
Because I was not able to log in for a long time, my website has been recently deleted. If I log in again, I can’t even reactivate it because it does not appear anymore.

I know we have to log in at least once per month, I know. However, is there any chance to reactivate it please? I tried to recreate it but I can’t because the name is already taken :confused:

Is there some admin that could reactivate it please?

Website: gite-rosalie

Thanks for your comprehension

I’ve checked upon gite-rosalie and I can see that the whole account along with website was deleted for user inactivity.

We cannot restore this because it has been deleted and once deleted it is gone - we do not keep backups this is up to the learner to keep regular backups of their data.

We cannot restore the name of gite-rosalie as once deleted it is gone and cannot be restored simply put.

Sorry I cannot do anything on this occasion but I can see you’ve already made a new account under the same email address, feel free to make a new website using alternative naming and you can upload any data you’ve backed up previously.

Ensure to login regularly once per month to control panel to avoid inactive learner deletions and take regular backups of your website / any data you wish to keep safe.

Happy site building.

Hi Infinity,

Thank you for your detailed answer. I would like to have one more clarification.

Do you mean that we cannot reuse a former site name of the deleted website? Aren’t websites’ names purged once deleted?

Thank you!

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Deleted website names are blacklisted forever by default and there is no way for me to change that I can’t even get back a 000webhostapp name I lost 9 years ago.

You can however park custom domains like again without much issue normally.

Got it!
IMHO, it’s a pity but ok.

Thank you for your clarifiations.

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