Restore backups

Hi there,

I noticed that 000webhost removed the backups feature from the cpanel, but I am wondering if I can restore a previous backup?

Thanks for your help.

Do you personally have the previous backup?

Yes, I have the .gz backup. Thanks!

Open the .gz backup on your computer using the likes of WinRAR then browse through the archive as such


Until you find the homedir folder then public_html folder, zip this folder up now or upload it directly via FTP and your main website files will appear on the hosting.

Then browse to backup-11.19.2016_23-46-50_leo.tar.gz\backup-11.19.2016_23-46-50_leo\mysql

MySQL folder and your databases will be here, create new database in new control panel and using phpMyAdmin upload the database again.

Your site should function as it did before now providing all configuration files are correct.

The .gz file contains only a single file without an extension, and no folders.

What does it contain?

It contains a single file without an extension, about 100 kb in size, no folders. If I open this file in notepad, I can see some of my website’s index html code, and some random characters but that is all.

How big was your website?
It sounds like it hasn’t backed up properly?

Thats what I was thinking, I have several backups but they all have just a single file with no extension in them. So it is not a one off thing

What is your biggest file size and can you take a screenshot of the contents?