Returning homepage to index.html

I installed Wordpress to see what the process looked like, and now my default Wordpress page has replaced my index.html when I view my site through 000webhost. Of course I can manually type in the entire address ( and my normal site is still running.

This all makes sense to a point since technically I installed and linked up Wordpress, but I cannot figure out how to force 000webhost to switch back to pointing to my index.html file. I want to mess around with the Wordpress connection but I do not want to take my original site offline.

Is there a simple setting or file change I can make that will return 000webhost to pointing to my index.html file?

Hi there, I can’t seem to find your website under that address OR through the email associated with your forum account. Can you please let me know what the version of your site is?

What I can tell you without looking at your file structure is that you should add the following line to your .htaccess file:

DocumentRoot [/path/to/index.html]

Unfortunately I broke the domain forwarding and haven’t yet been able to fix it correctly, and that’s why you can’t see it from the URL that I originally listed.

Since I had my site in my git repo I ended up doing a reset and re-uploading the original structure. So as of right now the original problem is not reproducing.

But I would still like to know how I can play around with the Wordpress connection without overriding the original site. You think just that one line will do it?

Hello. The site loads good on my side, could you please confirm?


Regarding the domain you should look to using CloudFlare to be able to point your domain to 000webhost correctly as I can see currently it would APPEAR you are only possibly URL masking it via Google Domains as the CNAME/Nameservers both resolve to Google and not 000webhost.

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