Site is archived issue

Hi, my website is archived

and it does not appear in “my sites” list


and just to show it is mine


also, that address gives another error


As far as my checks reveal it has been deleted for inactivity hence why the account no longer exists and the website data cannot be accessed via our backend.

Feel free to make a new account, new application using alternative naming and take regular backups please.

I get that it can not be recovered and I´m not worried about that (I have backups) but just curious about why I cant re-use the name, or why it can´t be released to be able to create a new website with the same name?

I mean, I am the owner, I should be able to delete and release the name, or to re-use it in another website.

just curious.

Just system policy, we’ve had users before even offer us $$$ to “release” names but the functionality is simply not there, even if staff wanted to reuse a deleted name we cannot, we’ve actually lost some names ourselves and had to use alternative names.

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