Inactive Users Information

Please login once per week if at a minimum to avoid inactive learner deletion.
Learners may be classed as inactive by the system if you do not log into regularly.
It is advisable if you are continuing to learn on the free platform that you login to control panel a minimum of once per week to avoid inactive user deletions.

Learners who are inactive may be archived or deleted without any notice.

We advise all learners to keep regular backups of their website as 000webhost free hosting does not keep any backups of any files at all.

You must login to control panel regularly - using FTP or managing your website via WordPress dashboard or similar admin panel will not register as active user - you must login to control panel regularly to avoid the inactive user deletions.

This is completely free hosting after all - you’d be crazy not to keep backups!

As per the terms and conditions agreed on signup to 000webhost, the user (you) is ultimately responsible for ensuring regular data backups and keeping your data safe, website files, database and anything that you would lose if your 000webhost account was deleted on purpose or by means of a system failure.

We will update this accordingly with any changes in the future, thanks to those free plan learners who suggested this idea to free up space on the free platform :slight_smile:

More information…

000webhost archives and deletes inactive learner accounts to allow new learners to come aboard and start their learning journey - if we didn’t clear out inactive users we would run out of space more often or have to start charging for the free learning service.

Login Requirement: Users are required to log in to their account at least once per week to avoid being classified as inactive.

Visitor Requirement: Website receives a minimum of 10 unique visitors per month to avoid being considered inactive.

Potential Consequences: Accounts/websites deemed inactive by the system including potential active learners, may face archiving or deletion without prior notice. Even if notice is given, it is not guaranteed (such as an email saying restore is possible and the site is safe and sound etc)

Backup or Migration Recommendation: Users are advised to keep regular backups or be prepared to move to Hostinger for data recovery or continued hosting services within 14 days of deletion/archival.

It’s crucial for learners to adhere to these rules to maintain an active status and avoid potential data loss. Additionally, the recommendation to keep regular backups and the option to move to Hostinger at cost emphasize the importance of user accountability for their data.

Where a website is archived in the browser page and DOES NOT SHOW within your 000webhost control panel you may use Hostinger services and request a migration to get back online within 14 days of the archival/deletion.

We retain the right to archive, delete, or suspend any learner’s account at our discretion and without providing specific reasons or prior notice. Users are strongly advised to maintain regular backups of their data to mitigate any potential issues in the event of such actions. This proactive approach ensures the safeguarding of valuable information, contributing to a smoother resolution should the need arise.

  • As per the terms and conditions agreed on signup to 000webhost, the user (you) is ultimately responsible for ensuring regular data backups and keeping your data safe, website files, database and anything that you would lose if your 000webhost account was deleted on purpose or by means of a system failure.

Backing up your website is just common sense. Don’t take unnecessary risks – make it a habit. Safeguard your data and keep your online presence secure by regularly backing up your website. It’s a simple yet crucial step in responsible website management, you’ll have nobody but yourself to blame should your site be removed/deleted/archived/lost in any circumstance.

Where a website is archived and DOES NOT SHOW within your 000webhost control panel you may use Hostinger services and request a migration to get back online.

Restore my account
My Site is lost
Where is my website
Website is no longer available and The authors have deleted this site
Can't access my websites ( & )
Website is archived issue
User deleted, recovery site
My accout is inaccecable
Website is no longer available - Ariel
Meu site saiu do ar e não consigo recuperar
Where my account
Forget Login Password
¿Cómo puedo volver a obtener de nuevo mi sitio web?
Fikasa62 inactivity
Website is archived. PLEASE HELP
Reactivate my website
I need help restoring my website
Mi sitio web ha sido archivado
My blog suddenly Disable
Account and website deleted without notice
[Help]-Website Archived
Help unarchive my website
Site cannot be unarchived
Restore Archived website [Help]
[IMPORTANT] Read this before creating a new topic
Unable to restore my website that was recently archived
Unable to login to my account via gmail or login form
Account deactivated, ‘make new account’?
Не могу войти, сайт удален
Minha conta sumiu
Geovannicorrea inactivity
Where is my account?
Can't reset password help
Forgotten email
Retrieve data from archived app
Password reset page won't work!
Can't Access My Previous Account
Ashish4636 inactivity
Jgb2891 possibly inactivity
Curl with bash to public_html account
Help, restored website my archived
MiguelSPBI inactivity
Help! My site is archived
330134 inactivity
Amalkumar inactivity
Unable to manag my website from the portal
Websiste no longer available and can't log in
My Website s Archived
My website is archived and I cannot login
Viper inactivity
HannuS inactivity
Consultant inactivity
Recover deleted website
Shotsbymike user inactivity
Site is archived issue
Archived without warning for the second time
Not seeing any restore button for my archived website
I can't recover my password
Inactivity drewrg
Archived Site, i want restore it
000webhost account inactivity
Email address used for
Old account not available
Recover control panel access
My website is deleted?
Can not login to my account - mail servers
Vlabatut inactive
Vlinder - [User hasn't attached their URL as per requirements]
Site no longer available
Restaurar mi pagina
Forgotten website's email login
Не могу соединится по ftp
Newokho inactivity
Website Missing and Can't Log In
Can't access websites or account
P1029937 inactivity
Website down, account not found?
RobinHoodSF inactivity
RobinHoodSF inactivity
How to restore archived website?
Beserkker2010 inactivity
Recupación de sitio
Vmk0102 question
Help to recover my site
My project has been archived please help
MatthewB inactivity
Demande de recuperration
Arkadiusz inactivity
TwisT3R inactivity
Roger inactivity
Inactivity deletion
Help website and account
No puedo ingresar a mi cuenta 000webhost ni a mi pagina web
Website offline and no login on
Missing domain in My Domains
CRenard inactivity
Anikau inactivity
ProximaTanda inactivity
Tskvananthan inactivity
Kamleong inactivity
RedDragon9 inactivity
Musta inactivity
Не могу получить доступ к своему сайту
Alias inactivity
Mi sitio web desaparecio
Aditaaw question
Cbmite inactivity
I need a backup
Hello I Ask Some Thing
I can't log in to my account tried forgot password
Website archived restore help
DeologyStudios inactivity
I'm Forgot Email
Oklas inactivity question
Lost my login information
Jaywhy13 inactivity
Suspensão do Sitema
Naramsim93 query
Tytus user question
Marcin.wis query
Compte utilisateur et site inactif
Webhulp question
My account got deleted without notice
Stranki90 inactive
TerryBox inactive
Se borraron los archivos de mi sitio
Site showing deleted error
Website is no longer available Deleted by the authors
Site showing deleted error
Donetsk Inactive
Domain pointing,but not running
Please Restore My Website
Softor Inactive
Donetsk Inactive
Waltermarquez Inactive?
Rochester2019 Inactive?
What happened with my account and my websites?
PGordon Inactivity Notice
Inactivity for webhost
Sandeep questions
Is "Stable File Manager" Safe?
Your account is blocked
My site got deleted
Guidelines for creating new topics
Website not accessible and no ftp access
Account deleted without notifying
Email linked to website
Guidelines for creating new topics
Problem with account and website
Website archived help
Website no longer available - The authors have deleted this site
My web site got archived
Can't recieve reset password Email - Outlook
Trying to reactivate my daughter's first game she finished and published here back in 2018
My website has been archived my account deleted 3 years ago, help
Website is archived & not able to get it back
Please support me to restore my website
My older website is archived
Help restore archived website!
Forgot email 000web
Restore access to the cabinet
Having Problem to Reset My Password
Recover, restore account
Can’t reset my account password cpanel
Why my site is deleted?
My site is gone
How do I know if my account has been deleted or just frozen?
Website Archived unable to restore it