SQL query in PHP

Hi alltogehter,

I am a bit overwehlmed and frustraded as I am trying for two days in a row. I want to do the most easiest database request that is possible using php to place the sql request. Can u guys please provide me code. It seems like all approaches i find on youtube or google are to advanced for me or just dont work.

I want to get the postal code as input from the user via a form. Then I want to search in the “plz” column and then display the whole row if the postal code was found in plz column. easy code, i can modify and learn from is highly apreciated.

URL= https://limey-sewers.000webhostapp.com/index.php

<meta charset="utf-8"
<?php include "header.html" ?>

<h3>Finde deinen Buchladen</h3><br>
<form action="index.php" method="get">
  PLZ oder Buchladen eingeben: <input type="text" name="search" placeholder="PLZ oder Buchladen">
  <input type="submit">



<?php include "footer.html" ?>

The graphic shows all data and how the table is set (execpt the username and password)