Superslow load on plain html site


i am experiencing very slow load for a simple couple-of-pages html site.

  1. Have to questions about it: is this throttling or there is a problem with infrastructure?
  2. Is there a way for me to avoid some of the problems/bootlenecks? For instance, i do not use PHP, and rewrite functions are also not needed, it’s just a landing page thingy - so i disabled some unneeded features in .htaccess file, but may be i can do more?

Thanks for your time and answers

Hey there,

What’s the link to your website? :slight_smile:

woops, my bad, sorry.

Good day!

Your website is loading on my browser within milliseconds. Please clear your browser cache and try again…

alright, i think it could have being temporary issue. thanks

We’re happy the problem is solved :slight_smile: