' The authors have deleted this site.'

Hello everybody. I have signed up on 000webhost years ago, and then I created my first website - bubblechuk.000webhostapp.com, which was containing a plenty of html5 games which were created by me. I was using this website to test those games - a few people was playing them. But today, I managed to browse my website and it says that ’ The authors have deleted this site.’ I don’t understand what’s happening, but when logged in my account, which was linked to my website, it says I have no website. I guess, my website was deleted due to inactivity, but I cant even create a new website bubblechuk.000webhostapp.com because it says that username is already taken. So, what does it mean. Does my site still exist or what. I really appreciate your assistance in advance, I believe my site is still alive.


Feel free to make a new site using alternative naming.