The forum site is perfect but

The forum is perfect, vBulletin 4.2.0.

The forum URL is

But recently I found that when I clicked the post count link, the link opened very slowly.

The post count link means the the one in the zone marked red.

Any one can figure it out? Thanks


I figured it out. I installed the plugin vBSEO, and then the post number link opens very quickly. Thanks.


vBulletin is not allowed on 000webhost servers.

Hope he has a very recent backup.
Edit: I see it’s not hosted by 000webhost.

I don’t really know much about forum or care enough but I can tell that that’s the permanent link of the post.

Nothing special happens when you click on the link but it let’s you jump to that particular post. Very helpful indeed.

It works for me and it open fast so the problem lies to you or your host. Try it again.