"There is no such website"

Hi, this is follow-up of my previous inquiry.
I have followed this guide from your senior member’s solution. I have changed ‘siteurl’ and ‘home’ in phpMyAdmin panel to “https://synderknowledgebase.000webhostapp.com”. Please see screenshot attached.

However, it gives “There is no such website” error. I also see old site name (stan-knowledge-base) in my websites list.
So this guide didn’t work. Please make my site work ASAP.

You cannot change your 000WEBHOSTAPP URL.

I have accessed your DB and it shows today

I have now changed your URL back to your ACTUAL URL to allow you to use your site…

If you wanted to use synderknowledgebase you will need to make a new account, new site, new wordpress installation, or backup existing site, transfer over then import and edit URL/config as required.

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Thanks, now I can use it.
Do you have a guide on how to “backup existing site, transfer over then import and edit URL/config as required”

Not exactly that would show it step by step from 000webhost but you could use generic moving hosts tutorials