Unable to access my newly built website


I have built my website yesterday https://nirvanaforyou.000webhostapp.com/. When I click on it to make further changes or to manage it, it keeps on loading and nothing happens. I cannot link it to my domain as well.

I have the same problem. I have two sites hosted with this service and neither are working. I assumed this was due to the amount of traffic, because one of my sites is decently popular and is visited often, but one site is a (currently) private in-development site. The only one viewing it is me, so it can’t be traffic.

Using https://check-host.net/ shows that all sites hosted on 000 are down, regardless (https://check-host.net/check-http?host=https://nirvanaforyou.000webhostapp.com/ shows your site timing out, as well as both of mine)

The issue occurs my domain and it doesn’t work now, please check the issue urgent. My doamin: freedomcode.000webhostapp.com

I am having the same problem! I had just installed wordpress recently so I hadn’t built the website much. I thought there was some other problem so i deleted it and made a new one. But now it doesn’t even open the wordpress configuration after installing wordpress. Just keeps loading forever.


Really frustrating!