Unable to Access my Site

I’m having some issues accessing my website. I can’t get into it at all. I go enter the address into the address bar, and I get this:

Address Not Found

Firefox can’t find the server at mindlessgaming.us.to.

The browser could not find the host server for the provided address.

* Did you make a mistake when typing the domain? (e.g. "ww.mozilla.org" instead of "www.mozilla.org")
* Are you certain this domain address exists?  Its registration may have expired.
* Are you unable to browse other sites?  Check your network connection and DNS server settings.
* Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy?  Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.

Sometimes when I go to manage domain, I get the error saying that I do not have the correct name servers, which I do obviously. I can access all of the files and folders with the File Manager in the control panel, but I cannot access anything with Filezilla.

I don’t get it, it was working fine a few hours ago.

I think the server is down? Because I can’t access my site neither

same problem here. In the cpanel i get error on the DNS, but dns worked till yesterday without problem. With a whois I get:

Name Server:NS02.000WEBHOST.COM
Name Server:NS01.000WEBHOST.COM


I have the same problem.

**I think they got problems on their name servers

I can access my website using their subdomain but on my domain name, Can’t access.

Same to me for 4 hrs ago. I’ve contacted to Staff Members. They are looking to the problem and told that everything is up as soon as possible.

On my website http://englishanime.site88.net WORK and www.MegaAnimeOnline.com FAIL

If this happens long I can’t get the doc files for my report.


go to member area and log into the cpanel and use “File Manager” to get your doc files.

Thanks for the help. :):slight_smile:

Btw, there are many of my classmates needing that file. It’s not only me.

i’ve had this problem several times before. now it’s happening again. very frustrating… but anyway, because of this hosting is free, so i guess i’ll just wait for it to resolve.

i think ther dns server failed, or is down, becuase it seems that all the domains, other than the subdomains from 00webhost

Though I come on my web page. But there seems to be no connection with the MYSQL server :frowning:

Wordpres spends the announcement:

Not Found
Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.

But if I in phpMyAdmin am all my contributions exist in the data bank.

I hope this it is fixed fast again.

Would this be server 12 by any chance? It was chugging along like treacle in the early hours of this morning. Yesterday afternoon all my Joomla files stopped working, although html files were still being served. This morning nothing!

I know this is free hosting, but they could really do with a service status page for known issues.

Whew. I thought I was the only one experiencing this problem.

I was so paranoid that I created a new name for a new site. Thank goodness I’m not alone. Hopefully, if we wait a little longer, things will be ok.

im on server 13, and the domains like 890m and site88 do work, its the co.cc and the uni.cc that dont work, and the others like mine.nu and wtf.be etc… i think that there is a DNS problem, becuase i pinged servers 10-14 and they all pinged back, also i pinged the DNS servers and they pinged back, so this might be a data failyer, i have no idea, but this IS a dns problem, it has to be

Alright, well, my site is back up. Have no clue what happened, but now everything’s working properly.

Yes it was a problem a one misconfigured domain name entry in our nameserver config which sent named service off. We have fixed that and restarted nameserver. Should be fine now.

Let’s come back !! Thank you admin.

Thanks for the explanation. CS don’t have the answer though as I got the standard reply of “we can see your account so it must be working”, no mention of any problem with server misconfiguration.