Unable to connect to mysql with 000webhost


I have having problems connecting to MYSQL on 000webhost with the code below. Myphpadmin states to use “localhost” but this is not working. In the past have previously used something like;

$hostname_connMembers = “mysql13.000webhost.com”;

but I cannot see a hostname like this now - only localhost

$hostname_connMembers = “localhost”;
$database_connMembers = “xxx”;
$username_connMembers = “yyy”;
$password_connMembers = “zzz”;

$connMembers = mysqli_connect($hostname_connMembers, $username_connMembers, $password_connMembers) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);

Any help welcome.


If you are on the new control panel then your hostname should be localhost else your hostname should be displayed in the old control panel like mysqlxx.000webhost.com?

What errors do you get?