Unable to point domain as CNAME not reflecting


I have updated my CNAME in my domain registrar and its been 5 days but still when my point domain it says CNAME not updated.
Pls find the screen shot of my DNS CNAME record


My name servers are reflecting in a DNS lookup tool but not the records.pls help

WEBHOSTAPP URL is : ypvhealingmysuru.000webhostapp.com and the domain name is ypvhealingmysuru.in

please find the screen shot:


I am unsure to why your setup is not working - please contact your registrar for assistance in setting the values both WWW and root of your custom domain (two cname values) must point to 000webhostappurl :slight_smile:

You could use this workaround -

Please follow this tutorial - Using CloudFlare with 000webhost

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