Update Sign Up page error

Its my first time posting here. :wave:
I tried to update my website. So I replaced some php file in the file manager including the php file for sign up page. I run it and everything is fine not until I run the sign up page. I can’t insert the data in database. It only shows “Failed to sign up”. I checked the source code and there’s no error. Actually, the page works fine when it was still connected to the xampp. I thought it was only from the browser so I tried to run it in Mozilla, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge but it still the same. Can you please help me? :cold_sweat:

This is the source code:

and this is the UI for website.

You can append php_flag output_buffering true to .htaccess and hopefully mitigate this issue without digging too deep into your code :slight_smile:

Hello! Thanks for the response. I tried it but it still the same :cold_sweat:

try on stackoverflow

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