Web Devoloper Needed

I Am Need Of Someone Who Can Write Me An html login script and tell me how to upload it.
Many Thanks

More details would help, how would it integrate with what you already have …and how did you upload that?
Your site URL.

if you don’t have knowledge on coding. you may try some CMS. it would be easy to ease,and have a lots of in build functions. Check Wordpress

I think before you should learn html if you don’t knowledge about html. You should go https://www.bitdegree.org/learn/ site and take classes one by one.

Also, your not going to get very far with a login script if your only using html :stuck_out_tongue:

You need html and call action to access database and so on. So it’s not easy with a person is not a developer. So You should use some blog like wordpress, joomla…

Did you mean, some CMS Scripts? xD

My favorite is wordpress. With cpanel of shared host, only take 30s to set up a new wordpress site.

You need to use CMS if you d’nt now coding. it is easy to easy and have a lot of in build functions.

if am correct, you also look like Delhi wala. :eek:

Lol, I think you are spot on, Advent.

Hope so bro. because he also post like other guys from Delhi. :wink:

I think before you should learn html if you don’t knowledge about html.

Exactly! What these idiots said!

I spared you the fact link to w3 that Lyle posted ;|

better we should be moderator to dump all the trash and junk post

This forum is intentionally being killed off… they don’t care.

but they were moderate the post, which contain selling hosting or some advertisement thread. at least we should fell happy for that. :):slight_smile:

:frowning: I think you should not try to code by yourself if you’re not a developer. A lot of potential bugs waiting for you. :smiley: use CMS is the best way. They did everything for you.

it’s so easy.

sign character
thiet ke website chuyen nghiep

You can use FTP for upload file