Zyro, ftp and 000webhost


I am new with the whole websitebuilder and created a site via zyro.com. Easy work and looks really nice, thanks for the builder and the creater :)! To go further, I want to use some hmtl-code and upload files to use them on my page.

After some search, I have found the way via ftp. Some attempts later with WinSCP and the forum, I can log in and look up my public_html-Folder. But … empty. If I import one file like xy.html , the site [name]/xy.html does not seem to exist, If I try it with the filemanager via https://files.000webhost.com/, the results are the same and no other data is shown (except the data which I upload with ftp …).

So the question: Should every data generated by zyro should be in that folder structure or is there another files-manager (not https://files.000webhost.com/ for zyro-sites)? For questions: my website exists and everything works fine with it (https://elandirthor.zyrosite.com/)

Thankful for any help!

As far as I know there is not a simple way to grab your Zyro site files and use them unfortunately.
Your query might be better directed at Zyro support but I would think they’ll likely advise you similar information.

Apologies we can’t assist further with this matter.

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