Zyro software not working

I can not now backup any new changes I have made.
Has this software stopped working?
It says I can not do this in demo mode but it won’t let me login or create a new acccount

Can you please screenshot the error you are receiving? I’ve never seen or heard of this issue.

How did you get into the site editor? If you went to zyro.com, you will get this error as you are editing in their demo version of Zyro.

If I helped you, please mark the green solution button :slight_smile:

Also, is this what you are seeing?

Yes this is what I’m seeing. But I have previously created a site. How do i get into the none demo version?

Go to 000webhost.com/members, log in, and choose your site. Then, click “Build Website” in the top bar and choose Zyro. :wink: