An internal error occurred. October

Staff message:

As the message suggests, developers aware and working on this, please be patient and wait it out.

Original User Message
I was working with free website. Suddenly It show an internal error. From then my website is vanished and now show me this

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even i got the same error : Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

Did you login with a google account?

yeah, I logged in with my google account… can’t you see your website also?

yeah same issue don’t know whats happening

Also happening to me. My link works sometimes, sometimes it doesn’t.

Few days ago I faced this kind of problem but probably my website was visible.

I also have this issue? It is the same with an account I had previously made and with a new account I made, I have tried clearing cache and cookies, even using a new browser, but nothing. Would be amazing if there was a fix to this easily.

Edit: I have now tried on another browser (I have now tried on Chrome, Chrome Canary, Edge and Opera.) I have even tried on mobile, I have also tried logging in using google and using 000webhost's own login system.

I met the serious problem An internal error occurred. Our developers have already been notified, my website is not listed? how can i solve this problem, i have removed all the adblock extension, how to solve that, quite emergency!

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I also have this issue? It is the same with an account I had previously made and with a new account I made, I have tried clearing cache and cookies, even using a new browser, but nothing. Would be amazing if there was a fix to this easily.

Edit: I have now tried on another browser (I have now tried on Chrome, Chrome Canary, Edge and Opera.) I have even tried on mobile, I have also tried logging in using google and using 000webhost's own login system.

Hola y gracias por leer, (Siento las posibles faltas de ortografia),
Chic@s tengo un problema y no se como solucionarlo,
la cosa empieza por que he creado una pagina para una amiga (de Prueba pero enserio)
y esta todavia a medio crear, pero hoy no se porque… le he dado a iniciar sesion con google ya que la cuenta de google y la del correo son la misma (razon por la cual he oviado hacerlo de una manera u otra), dicho esto he iniciado sesión pero … Sorpresa!!, la pagina no esta y no puedo administrarla (solo desde la propia pagina pero no desde el Cpanel), claro corriendo he cerrado sesión y he iniciado atraves del correo pero pone que ya esta vinculada y que inicie sesion de la otra forma…
como puedo volver a tener acceso, o en el caso mas grave eliminarla (haciendo un backup) y crearla con alparecer mi nueva cuenta (volcarla)???
Agradezco toda informaciĂł Ăştil, muchas gracias de antemano

basicamente esto resume un poco


This has probably been discussed already, but I logged onto my account this morning to see my website is gone and message popped up saying an internal error occurred. This website is a school project that I am working on and I need to turn it in tomorrow night so this is very frustrating that I cannot access it. Is there anything I can do to expedite the issue?


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I have important files on the server and it says - An internal error occurred. Our developers have already been notified.

Please help me with the same. Only the files are important. Any way to retrieve them would be of great help.

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an internal error occurred. Our developers have already been notified

As the message suggests :slight_smile:

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How? I should wait tell the problem is solved ?

Also happening to me.

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Whenever I load the list of created websites, I get a message saying “An internal error has occurred. Our developers have already been notified.” My websites are active and up, but I cannot edit their settings.
I’m building a website for my friend’s Minecraft server, which I need to do work on, and because of this problem, I cannot do the work needed. Could someone evaluate this problem as soon as possible?


Same here, first time trying to use the service and it´s not working. Sad…

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