Erro base de datos

Buenas Tardes.

Estaba construyendo mi sitio web ha dado error en la base de datos.

el sitio web es

He probado la opción de reparar localizada en el tablero pero no da resultado incluso he probado a reinstalar wordpress, pero el error persiste.

Espero que me puedan ayudar.

Gracias por adelantado.

Don’t worry this is just rate-limiting this is what happens when you exceed the free hourly limits.
just wait a few hours in database will unfreeze and you’ll be good to go from where you left off.

Hi there I’ve noticed you “deleted a database” this means WordPress no longer has a database to function!!

You should have NOT done this nor reinstalled, you should have just waited it out.

Waiting this issue now will delay your website building journey, please head to General Settings, RESET WEBSITE at the bottom which deletes ALL DATA, then head back to the panel, one click install and then WordPress will install again fresh with a new database.

This time when the database exceeds the free limits (normally when you run the first installation this uses a lot of your hourly requests for the database - so when you start making backend changes you use the rest of your requests up and the database is frozen) just wait it out.

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Gracias por su ayuda.

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