My site is sometimes not accessible

Hello, I created my site a little more than 2 weeks ago with wordpress (org) and I hosted it with 000Webhost and, most of the time, everything works well: the site is accessible and I can keep improving it.
But it happens that it’s down and I can’t save anything when I’m writing an article. When this happens, I no longer have access to the administration of the site and it is no longer visible.
When the site is down, this page appears when you go to the site link ( :
As you can see, the link changes and I arrive on a wordpress installation page.
So I don’t understand why this sometimes happens and it’s very annoying because it slows down the creation of articles on the site and sometimes prevents users from accessing them.
I hope someone will be able to help me with this sporadic problem (it happens a few times a day and can last from 2 minutes to several hours).
Have a good day :slight_smile: