Regarding over sleeping

Estimados Amigos tengo el siguientel sitiol web ahora tiene casi un dƭa de sueƱo,que pasa,si esto continua google me penalizara y esta web perderan la posicion que tengo.
Por favor que hago necesito una respuesta urgente de moderadores del foro

Estimados moderadores que ocurre ā€¦al parecer el problema de mi pagina web no tiene soluciĆ³n,no entiendo porque nadie sugiere que hacer tengo 30 lecturas
y ninguna opiniĆ³n

Please, i need my web to a proyect !

Ayudaaa mi pagina esta dormida ya 5 diaaas
My web always sleep :frowning: why?

Hi @GuritGFC
As they are having some issues with the servers limit hit regarding the huge amount of users who joined 000webhost recently (issue should be fixed 27/11/2017 morning), thatā€™s why, some websites are oversleeping.
Admins will fix the issue soon :slight_smile:

Oh,okay adminā€¦Thanks u very much :wink:

I will waiting :smiley:

Lol ok but I am not admin :joy:

:joy: sorry :3 i forget
I only reflect :3

Please fix mine for sleeping about 3 days, I badly need it now for my project :frowning: Thank you in advanced

I have a free hosting plan and I would like to set my websiteā€™s sleep time to 3am to 4am. I found the setting without difficulty but Iā€™m not able to change the sleep time. I saw a post from Nov 10 reporting the same issue but I didnā€™t see any resolution to that issue; thatā€™s over 2 weeks ago. Is the problem solved yet?

If not, can someone there set my sleep time manually for 3-4am?

Failing that, can someone tell me when we will finally be able to set the sleep time?

Can you please screenshot what you see?

Hello, my site and are always sleeping too. Please help

Iā€™ve been having the same problem

@ijgsw Fixed! Your website is running fine now.

Same here my website is still sleeping again

Please fix these two website:

Is oversleeping.
with its ftp, canā€™t login.