Waltermarquez Inactive?

Tengo mis dos sitios caídos y no puedo ingresar a 000webhost me dice usuario inexistente.
Mis sitios, que hace como 10 años que los tengo online desde aqui son:

If you can provide your 000WEBHOSTAPP URL - I can check deletion logs.
I can’t find any sites via custom domains or email addresses if they’ve already been deleted.

Inactive users are considered inactive if they do not log into our panel for more than 3 months.
Users are given 7 days via email, sometimes this is missed sadly in spam or out of date contact information.
Users are repsonsible for taking regular backups and logging into the control panel regularly.

See more information here: Inactive Users Information

If you provide your full 000WEBHOSTAPP URL I can certainly check to make sure it has been removed?

My site is i cant believe it. Really delete my site??? 10 year in this hosting, im really sad.

If you provide your 000webhostapp URL I can check for sure but it sounds like inactivity deletion.

Just make a new account then website and upload your 2017 backup you took when migrating to the new panel

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