Website is archived & not able to get it back


I was informed that my website got archived (cfr :

This probably happens because I didn’t connect often on the website neither on the plateform. Moreover, I was forced to create a new account with my address mail so I am not able to reactive the account.
Is there a way to enable back this website ? Is it possible ?


Hi there I can see it was deleted due to learner inactivity.

We do archive websites of learners which receive little to no visits, but in addition to this we remove and delete inactive learner accounts should you not login regularly.

In this case your site was archived then deleted due to learner inactivity.

Website is no longer available as it has been deleted along with the owning account.

Feel free to make a new account and a website using alternative naming as the same URL cannot be reused.

Ensure to login to your new account at least once a month to avoid inactive learner deletion in the future.