Max connect timeout phpmyadmin error

When I try to connect to my database using phpmyadmin I get no response followed by:
MySQL said:
#9001 - Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 1037 after 10001ms

If I wait a while longer I then get a pop-up saying:
Error in processing request
Error code:200
Error text: OK (rejected)
It seems that the connection to server has been lost.
Please check your network connectivity and server status.

My website is

The status page is not currently showing any servers being down and I’ve been getting this message for over 8 hours now. I am also the only person who uses my website and database (at this point) and I’ve not been accessing it in such a way that would trigger any excess database usage. Basically I’m just trying to get access to my database to take my semi-regular backup so I don’t lose any data from the last week or so.

Can anyone tell me if there is an unofficial issue with the database server or if there is something going on with my database specifically?

I’m having the same issue but have not yet got this resolved.


Ignore any suspension emails.

I cannot access my database using my web application or your PhpMyadmin tool.
At one point I did get an error message but did not copy it down. Now when I try and access using PHPMyAdmin my browser reports that the script has stopped running and shuts down the 000webhost’s windows.

This site has been running for over a year and I have not made any modifications.



As far as I now I’m the only person using my site. So there should be no limit violations.

I’ve not managed to get any body else interested yet :frowning:

My web site is :

This is the error I get if I wait for about 5 mins.

Thanks for any help.


yeah that can last up to 4 hours and it isn’t about visitors strictly it is about the requests that you make personally etc

I left my site untouched over night and tried again this morning (UK time).
I’m only trying to use PhpMyAdmin so my application cannot be the cause of this issue. I think there is something wrong with the databases.

I notice that other people have started to report the same issue.


I’ll check into this now

That appears to be rate limiting.
What is your URL?




Ignore suspension emails :slight_smile:


Ignore suspension emails.

Apologies to those affected seems like an odd one I can’t find anything wrong but there is still no access for those reporting above.